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Web Applications with C#

Spoken Language

Course will be in English, as long as there is someone who officialy does not understand Estonian (Erasmus students).
Materials and code is always in English.


Lead by Andres Käver andres.kaver

Assistant Teachers (& uni-id):

  • Kerman Saapar kesaap
  • Mikk Raba mikk.raba


  • 20p theoretical quiz – on paper (or in moodle when needed), multiple choice questions, no outside help.
  • 30p practical exam - everything is allowed (blogs, outside help, etc.)
  • 50p home project
  • 0-50: FAIL, >50: 1, >60: 2, >70: 3, >80: 4, >90: 5
  • Every grade part has >50% requirement

Notes about grading

  • Home assignment defence % can’t be higher than practical examination defence %
  • How could you do your homework at max, and then underperform practical exam?

Home project

  • 50 points

  • 1-3 member teams - project presentation/code defence is individual

  • Final project defence – 20 points

  • X milestones, every milestone gives 30/X points

  • X – is anywhere from 4 - 10

  • Every milestone has deadline, every day over deadline removes 10% of that deadlines points

  • you can plagiarize everything, referencing the source is not mandatory (you must be able to explain/defend/change your code)

  • 1-3 member teams + teacher/TA’s

    • No running away of learning it all
    • Medium complexity projects (pizza ordering with cost splitting, home meal planner)
    • Practical (your own) project is highly recommended!

Do not leave all work for the few last weeks! It's too much to get it done in few days.

  • End result:

    • Deployed ASP.NET Core REST backend (Azure/Aws/…)
    • Client application in your own chosen environment (JS or server based web-app, or desktop, or …) – deployed into different domain
    • Role based granular access (Users and Roles)
  • Project evaluation

    • Teacher/TA's are like an angel investors
    • Your project does not have to be ready for worldwide full production usage.
    • But it must be at level, where potential investor would understand, that you and your work is good enough for seed investment (or hiring you)


Student projects (all grading is based on git history and content)

Git repo has to be named icd0024-23-24-s

Please add teacher and all TA's as developers into your git repo.

  • andres.kaver
  • mikk.raba
  • kesaap

Create in root folder, with your name, uni-id and student code

Course demos

Do not forget to add .gitignore to your repository. You can use these:


The Architectural Flower
