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Exam practice

Recipes - Razor Pages Web App

Create a simple database (EF) based application for a recipe book. Recipes, ingredients, amounts of ingredients in recipe. Implement recalculation of amount for servings needed (ie if recipe is for 5 people - how much of everything you need for 2 people). Provide search functionality - recipe name, description, ingredients.

Generally speaking - these are only broad guidelines. Please write a solution that you would like to present to the world as your best effort in programming and app-designing (UX is the key).

Use nullable references, and turn all the warnings into errors!

Library - Razor Pages Web App

Create a simple db based web app, which would enable you to create a list of books and perform searches.

App should do:

  • Books CRUD
  • Comments/discussion for books (discussion threads would be nice)
  • Generate statistic for books and authors
  • Perform book search, taking into account author, publisher, title, summary/description, comments

Generally speaking - these are only broad guidelines. Please write a solution that you would like to present to the world as your best effort in programming and app-designing (UX is the key).

Use nullable references, and turn all the warnings into errors!